Cloud Management: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Part 2: 5 Key Capabilities for CMPs


See part 1 of this series here.

The Ovum Decision Matrix Research Report discusses the impact of two major shifts in cloud adoption:

  1. The growing impact of Shadow IT in enterprises.
  2. The need to migrate workloads to the cloud.

We also see a clear third shift: the need to develop Cloud Native applications for new business areas: applications that were born in the cloud, and use all-cloud resources.

These trends have created the need for greater environment visibility and control across hybrid infrastructure. As the Ovum report points out, the duality of this situation is that cloud-native workloads need to be managed in a similar manner as VMs on private clouds.

This key requirement has created the need for greater visibility and control over all the environments that are in use – either private or public, either infrastructure running VMs, containers, serverless, and also legacy, bare-metal applications.

The market in multicloud and hybrid cloud management is still evolving, and many of the vendors come from the virtualization management space. While this seems a sensible evolution, the challenge is that the new cloud-native workloads (those already in the cloud) do not look like or operate in the same way as VMs. The difference between these two paradigms needs to be abstracted away from both developers and infrastructure teams. Established vendors are struggling to balance this new world with VM centric infrastructure.

So what are the key lessons we’ve learned over the years, working with customers on enabling them to effectively manage their complex, hybrid environments?


Read the full post on Platform9.