The Linux Foundation Welcomes JanusGraph


We’re pleased to kick off 2017 by announcing that JanusGraph, a scalable graph database project, is joining The Linux Foundation. The project is starting with an initial codebase based on the Titan graph database project. Today we see strong interest in the project among developers who are looking to bring the graph database together, as well as support from organizations such as Expero, Google, GRAKN.AI, Hortonworks, IBM and others. We look forward to working with them to help create a path forward for this exciting project.

Several members of the JanusGraph community, including developers from Expero, GRAKN.AI and IBM, will be at Graph Day Texas this weekend and invite discussion about the project.

JanusGraph is able to support thousands of concurrent users in real time. Its features include elastic and linear scalability, data distribution and replication for performance and fault tolerance, high availability and hot backups, integration with big data platforms such as Apache Spark, Apache Giraph and Apache Hadoop, and more.

To get learn more and get involved, visit