Slackware Linux Tip-of-the-day: Hardware Information



This application dumps the DMI table contents (BIOS information) of your hardware into human-readable format. The included information can included the following:

  • The companies that built the hardware
  • The hardware version numbers
  • the serial numbers of various components
  • release dates
  • Hardware characteristics
  • Chassis information
  • Processor information
  • Processor socket type
  • Hardware voltages
  • Hardware speed constraints
  • Current operating Speeds
  • Maximum memory size per slot
  • Installed memory size for each slot
  • and so much more
I was going to display the output of the command on my system, but the output is so long that is will be better for you to run it yourself as an administrator to see what it offers.


The lspci command will list all PCI devices on your system including all components on your main motherboard. This utility is very useful for determining wireless card, audio controllers, dick controllers, video cards and more. You can also pass the command “lspci -vvv” to get more in-depth information about the various components.


The lsusb command is similar to the lcpci command except that it outputs your usb controller(s) and all connected devices. As with the lspci command you can pass the “-vvv” argument to get detailed information.


The lsscsi command is used to list the scsi/sata devices and their attributes, this can be useful for determining the makes and models numbers of attached hard drives.


The lsdev command is used to display information about installed hardware including the Device Name, DMA, IRQ and I/O Ports. This will not be of much use for a standard user, but it can be very useful for advanced users and developers.
Please feel free to share information about any other hardware discovery applications that you use.