Announcing Our Open Source Guides for the Enterprise


Last March we held a TODO Group track at Open Source Leadership Summit focused entirely on sharing best practices for businesses managing and building out open source programs. More than a dozen open source program leads and other leaders from companies shared their tips and best practices at the event.

Furthermore in the last year or so, we have seen companies like AWS build out an open source program via @AWSOpen and even companies like VMWare hired their first Chief Open Source Officer. We’ve had many organizations approach TODO Group members asking for advice on how to get started with an open source program.

To help companies inform and improve their open source practices, we here at the TODO Group have ramped up our knowledge sharing this year and are offering more free resources by open sourcing a set of living open source guides for the enterprise to help you learn more about setting up an open source program. Topics include:

How to Create an Open Source Program

Measuring Your Open Source Program

Tools for Measuring Your Open Source Program

Using Open Source Code

Participating in Open Source Communities

Recruiting Open Source Developers

Read more at The Linux Foundation