Local Area Security Linux 0.4b MAIN Released

Anonymous Reader writes “L.A.S. Linux is a ‘live CD’ distribution of Linux. The focus of L.A.S. is create a bootable toolkit for information security professionals and systems administrators. The advantage of L.A.S. is that it has a very small footprint. This small footprint makes it able to fit on a 185MB mini-CD. The goal of L.A.S. Linux is to provide a well-rounded tool in a small package.

Despite its small size, L.A.S. contains over 100 security tools including basic desktop applications. Utilizing the FluxBox window manager, which is a lightweight desktop environment. L.A.S. has an array or forensic, penetration testing, intrusion detection, sniffers, and administrative utilities.

Changes in this latest version of L.A.S. include the addition of Ettercap-GTK, Clam Anti-Virus, MiniCOM, SpikeProxy, MRTG, and many of the Cisco-centric Open Source Exchange tools.”

Link: localareasecurity.com