

Author: Benjamin D. Thomas

MkLinux takes advantage of the Mach Kernel abstraction to run on
HPPA, Intel, and PowerPC. MkLinux will run on almost all Macintoshes, with new support added every week. MkLinux is based on Red Hat with a new kernel
for more hardware support.


MkLinux is an Open Source operating system which consists of an implementation of the Linux operating system hosted on the Mach microkernel. We
estimate that there are somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 MkLinux users. A significant number of the installed MkLinux systems are being used in
mission-critical applications.

Why MkLinux?

MkLinux abstracts the hardware from the operating system and allows the possibility of running multiple operating systems at the same time. The two
operating systems essentially should be able to coexist without affecting each other.

MkLinux is a microkernel based operating system which is 100% compatible with the monolithic (ie. original) Linux since it is based upon almost
entirely unmodified Linux code, but becomes trivial to port to any platforms supported by the OSF Mach3 microkernel. The Linux sources now include the
Mach interface as a new machine type, but the same sources can equally well be used to build the original monolithic linux.

By using the OSF Mach3 microkernel the resulting Linux system will also be able to take advantage of additional functionality made available such as
SMP, MMP, and hard real-time support, to mention but a few.

Visit for more information.