Virtual Linux Desktops Tapped By UN

Article Source LinuxDevices
May 29, 2009, 1:22 pm

NComputing announced a partnership with the United Nations to bring 1,000 Linux-based NComputing desktops to schools in developing countries, says the company. NComputing also announced that several electric utilities in the U.S. and Canada have qualified its “one-Watt” devices for purchase rebates and rate discounts.

Six-year-old NComputing sells virtual desktop software combined with ultra-thin client devices that are touted as being easy to ship and install, require minimal maintenance, and use only a single Watt of electricity per seat. The company says it has sold over one million virtual desktops in over 140 countries in the last 24 months, and that more than 20,000 schools and millions of students are using the technology…