jm-shell – A Highly Informative and Customized Bash Shell


jm-shell is a free open source, small, highly informative and customized Bash shell, that gives you a great wealth of information about your shell activity as well as certain useful system information such as system load average, battery status of laptops/computers and much more.

Importantly, unlike Bash which only stores unique commands in a history file, for searching previously run commands – jm-shell records each and every shell activity in a log file.

Read AlsoThe Power of Linux “History Command” in Bash Shell

In addition, if your current directory is a code repository for any version control systems such as GitSubversion, or Mercurial, it will provide information about your repositories (such as active branch).

Jm-shell Features

  • Has a status line (divider) to separate commands.
  • Displays the number of items in current directory.
  • Shows current location in the filesystem.
  • It maintains a shell log file – full history of your shell activity.
  • Displays current system load average if higher than, in red if critical (higher than 2).
  • Shows the time last command finished.
  • It prints an error code of last command, if any.
  • Displays total time of last command if higher than 4 seconds.

Read more at Tecmint