A big hello to Linux.com


I’m not going to pretend that I am a guru. I’m not going to pretend I’m much more than a noob.

But I am, at least once, going to pretend that I know how to construct words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs in to blog posts. 

So I’m issuing a big hello to the new linux.com community and am impressed at the site from the small amount of time I have spent perusing. Mostly I like the fact that there is a modern styled website that devotes itself to Linux as a whole as opposed to the distro specific groups that are common these days. Of course these distro specific  forums and sites have their purpose, and in times past I would be lost with out my trawlings of the Ubuntu and the #! forums. 

 I hope that linux.com succeeds in becoming a thriving community along side of the more spefic forums and irc that linux enthusists  already frequent, and the high number of members since the sites opening 2 days ago seems that it’s well on the way. 

 As far as a getting to know you kind of deal I’ll give you a quick rundown on myself, regardless of if you want to read it or not.  

 I am rather certain that I am male. 

I may be 28, though sometimes I feel like im 12, hmmm, maturity is not one of my strong points. 😀

I have been using Gnu/Linux (i’m trying to start using that term) since October 21st, 2007  (I remember the date because it was the day I bought my then new pc). And have spent quite a bit of time playing with different distros. Debian/Ubuntu based mainly. Though played with mandriva for a little while, as well as some Fedora releases. At the moment I am running the wonderful Crunchbang Linux 9.04.01, and it truley is a work of art. Great stuff.

 Hopefully I’ll be able to read a few posts of this site and learn a little more.. I’m trying to get a little more adventurous and am planning to set up a home server soon and am toying with the horribly painful concept of using an old box and trying out a linux from scratch installation, so i can finally work out what the f*** all those config files are 😛


Happy FOSS tinkering people.

