Goodbye Zenwalk and welcome back Fedora… sigh…


Well I’ve made another switch once again.

I had  been fooling around with Zenwalk yesterday, mostly with trying to install rygel which I ultimately deemed nearly impossible since I had to build almost everything from source and I was getting way too many error messages. Of course I’m not saying nobody can do it, it is just beyond my personal reach.

Thanks to rygel, though, I did learn about vala. I got interested in vala. I tried to install vala, which went ok, up to the point where I wanted to install val(a)ide, which went completely wrong without actually telling me what was wrong. So I got annoyed a little.
I looked into the other solutions and noticed a vala plug-in for gedit, I was again intrigued and started nosing around. To my shock, even though I had already switched from xfce to gnome, that netpkg did not have a gedit package. I was crushed with amazement by this. I thought gedit was a fairly common package.

Well, anyway, I downloaded gedit source and started trying to compile it, but of course it refused. Something was missing.
This was kind of the last straw for me. I finally had enough and decided to get rid of zenwalk and move on to another distro once again.

I just wasn’t sure which one I wanted. I’d heard good things about Mandrive, so even though I hate Mandrake I gave it a shot, downloaded, burned it and tried installing it, but it was just too slow. I couldn’t get through the install process, so I started looking for another distro.
After Mandrive I thought I might take a look at Fedora again, but when I saw that Fedora was getting a new release in a few days I thought it’d be best to wait and see what happens. So I looked on. Took a look at Arch Linux, even took a look at LFS.
In the end though I decided Fedora would be easiets, so I downloaded and installed it.

I am already kind of sorry I did, becuase of course it did not recognize my video card or my monitor, so I installed the NVidia drivers. It still wouldn’t recognize my monitor so the drivers actually made it worse, first having a 800×600 res and now the maximum being 640×480.
I was able to fix it though by installing system-config-display and then running system-config-display –reconfig to choose the drivers and then system-config-display –set-resolution=1280×1024 and after reboot it finally worked.

I might use this for a while now again, but I got very close to installing Arch. I wonder why I still feel I haven’t found the right distro yet.