My Cult Envy


 Sexy Tattoo Fangirl

 I have a serious cult envy.  This of course is referring to the largest cult on the entire technological landscape.  Apple cults.

How I envy they’re pretty girls with tattoos. We seem to fall short with dudes so ugly I might as well be look in the mirror. I envy the Apple Blogs and rumor sites that ‘leak’ sensitive ‘information’ about the newest products and updates. Again, all we have is SVN, Alpha builds, and screen shot tours.

The big question is what can we do to have that healthy-unhealthy following? I’ve kicked around some ideas my self. I even thought about buying Linus or Shuttleworth a black turtleneck. I would send one to Stallman, but I don’t feel like knitting one by hand.

Even YouTube, (my beloved YouTube!) is lacking in quality resemblance of Linux love. I can find hours upon hours of Apple tips, trick, and solutions that vary from quick and easy to incredibly complex. Damn near all you get on YouTube when you search Linux is a bunch of Compiz Cube videos. Man, the cube is cool though ain’t it?

What can we do to improve the cult situation in Linux? More importantly where is the sexy tattooed Linux fangirls?