Intro Post


I guess I ought to have an introduction post here on

 I’m a mechanical engineer who loves Linux and has been using it (mostly) full time since 2005.  I got started on Ubuntu using Hoary Hedghog and I haven’t looked back.

 I’m currently running Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (as of March 2009).  This is the first Ubuntu pre-release I’ve tried.  It ran well on both my laptop and my desktop.

 I’ve tried out various incantations of Linux on my laptop in the hopes of getting it working with Linux.  I tried (in no particular order): Mandriva, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Zenwalk,  Linspire, Freespire,Debian, and PCLinuxOS.  I learned how to fix a lot from that laptop; from wireless drivers that just don’t work, to graphics cards that act up, to sound issues.

 Now, I’m happily running Ubuntu.  I prefer Gnome to KDE.

I’m an evangelist for the Flock browser; it’s my browser of choice when I have a choice.

Well, that’s about it… I like using Ubuntu because it’s fun to see what my computer can do under Linux, and to show Windows fans what this old hardware can produce.