iCanProgram online Linux Programming courses offered


Author: JT Smith

Bob Findlay writes

“Back in December iCanProgram.com announced that it would be offering its
online “Introduction to Linux Programming” courses without fees in return
for a voluntary donation to Cancer Research by the participants. These donations were made in memory of one of our founding partners who lost her own battle with Cancer last summer.

This “learning for charity” formula has been a success far beyond our expectations. We have now offered our courses under this format to over 350 students worldwide.

For those of you who missed out the first time round there are still openings in the 2 remaining courses that will be offered in the 2002 spring session.

The 02 Apr edition of the

Introduction to Linux Programming
course has room.

The 02 Apr edition of our newest advanced Linux Programming course titled

Linux Programming the SIMPL way

has room as well.

m as well.

Thanks once again to all those who have participated so far and given so generously to the cause of fighting Cancer.”